Celebrate You

Learn to celebrate yourself today and everyday for all things big and small.

It is too often that we focus on the things that we have not accomplished yet. All the unchecked items on our to-do list but for today I encourage you to celebrate yourself.

It could be something as simple as acknowledging the fact that you were able to get out of bed this morning because that may just feel like the hardest thing right now or maybe something that feels like you never thought you would never accomplish like writing that book that took you several years to finish!

These are both things that I have celebrated myself for in the past (the book - not so recent past - go me!)

For me personally I am grateful for another year of life. I turned 46 a few days ago and while I have accomplished so much since turning 45 it didn’t really hit me until I had a reading at a fellow Libra’s birthday party this weekend. I think it’s mostly because the year has also been really tough. A lot of painful truths revealed and a lot of grief and loss and we have to be thankful for those things too.

Such is life. It is an incredible dichotomy and mosaic of interwoven pieces that make up our individual journeys that all intersect somehow. You have to admit that it really is so beautiful and magical. It is too often that we lose sight of this magic and we shame ourselves for goals we feel we should have reached by now but this birthday has taught me that not achieving everything just yet is a gift too. It reminds me that I have so much more life to live, places to see, people to meet and experiences to have. I have something to strive for because what would be left if all was done?

I invite you to breathe into the peace of exactly where you are right now in all of its perfect imperfection. Give thanks for where you have been and who you are becoming and do something nice for yourself today! Celebrate you and your life and let’s not forget that waking up to a new day is truly the greatest gift. And once this practice doesn’t feel so unfamiliar, do it again and again.


How to increase connection between you and your daughter.